by Lee Barrie and Cindy Kurman
Have you heard about JunoWallet? We just came across this relatively new iPhone and Android app that’s sure to be the next BIG thing in social gifting. If you enjoy receiving and giving gifts (who doesn’t), then JunoWallet is for you. Perhaps more importantly, JunoWallet will introduce you to new businesses and provide you with a real incentive to visit them.
This is a win win for you and your favorite businesses. Download the JunoWallet app on your iPhone or Android mobile phone and received promotional mobile gift cards and gift certificates from restaurants, bars, and so much more! There’s no cost to you and once you’ve spent your promotional gift card money, you can reload the card, making it convenient to manage your dining and entertainment dollars.
You can even earn JunoPoints at your favorite haunts in Chicago and nationwide by linking your JunoWallet to your Foursquare account! Typically, you earn 20 points for each check-in. Once you’ve accumulated 10,000 points, you’ll receive a $100 gift card to that business. In the future, you’ll be able to gift and share points among your friends, making it easy to reach your goal.
To start using JunoWallet, download the app here
and enjoy $1000s of dollars in gift cards and certificates.

and enjoy $1000s of dollars in gift cards and certificates.
Here’s a list of some of its benefits:
iPhone, iPad 3G, and Android
- Store all your gift card information in one place
- Real time balance checking
- Free downloads of promotional mobile gift cards and certificates
- Redeem promotional mobile gift cards/certificates right from your phone
- Push notification letting you know when a new free promotional gift is available
- Facebook and Twitter sharing to let your friends know about new promotional offers
- Convert Check-ins on Foursquare and JunoWallet into Gift Cards
- Buy gift cards and get bonus gift cards and discounts
- Protect your information with a 4-digit PIN code
- Your information never leaves your device
- Optional voice entry of your gift card information
For businesses who want to participate, you can signup for JunoWallet here or contact for assistance.
Cindy Kurman Barrie and Lee Barrie are the principals of Kurman Communications, Inc., a Chicago-based marketing and public relations agency. Please visit their blog at and check out all DineWise articles at