As we enter the peak season for cookie baking, everyone has their family favorites. If you love to bake at home, you’ll be thrilled with the tips you can gain by attending Delightful Pastries Cookie Class, Saturday, December 7 from noon to 3 p.m.
Students will be making lots of cookies in this class. Some are simple, some are fancy — all of them are baked with a lot of heart. You’ll learn how to bake American classics such as snickerdoodles to Italian Amaretti favorites. Delightful Pastries co-owner, chef Dobra Bielinski, will be demonstrating the making of cookies for all kinds of bakers from the complicated to the simple ones.
Even children from the age of 10 can sign up for the class. Additionally, all students will be decorating their own gingerbread man. All student will get to taste the cookies in the class and will get to take a 1/2 pound home with them.
Students can sign up online, send a check to the bakery or call us at 773-545-7215 and we can take the sign ups via phone to avoid the online fees.
The class will take place at Delightful Pastries, 5927 W Lawrence Ave, Chicago, IL 60630. https://www.eventbrite.com/e/cookie-class-tickets-58682674459