Thursday, December 12, we are celebrating the birthday of Abby Mandel (1932-2008). Sarah Stegner, co-owner/co-chef of Prairie Grass Cafe (601 Skokie Blvd., Northbrook; 847-205-4433) and founding board member of Green City Market, wants everyone to take the day to remember her and keep her vision alive.
Prairie Grass Cafe is raising money for the market’s The Edible Gardens in honor of its founder Abby’s birthday and the 20th Anniversary of the Green City Market.
“I’m giving all our guests at Prairie Grass Cafe an opportunity to contribute on that day. Guest donations will go directly to The Edible Gardens, located in the Lincoln Park Zoo and run by Green City Market.”
Prairie Grass Cafe also will be offering a special local Beet and Carrot Birthday Cake, created in honor of Abby’s birthday. “We are donating 100% of the proceeds from the cake sales on the 12th to The Edible Gardens program.”
“I want to help make sure the program that Abby and Jeanne Pinsof Nolan, The Organic Gardener, created and oversees for the market, is fully funded.”
“It reaches so many inner-city children and helps them understand where their food comes from. It’s an interactive garden that the children either plant or harvest depending on the season. It’s free and open to the public,” Stegner said.