“As fierce as its protagonists, doggedly plowing through deeply painful subject matter and bristling with rightful fury.” –Teen Vogue
“A forceful rebuke to legions of victim-shamers who use ‘it’s her fault’ as a mantra.” –Rolling Stone
“Lowen, who produced the disturbing 2011 doc BULLY, scores another infuriating triumph with her directorial debut, NETIZENS.” –The Village Voice
The Film: After their lives are overturned by vicious online harassment, NETIZENS follows three women as they confront the Internet’s wild west. This timely 96-minute documentary features prominent Brooklyn attorney Carrie Goldberg and author of Nobody’s Victim; Anita Sarkeesian, founder of Feminist Frequency and target of the ‘Gamergate’ attacks; and Tina Reine, a businesswoman whose career is destroyed by reputation-harming websites. With Soraya Chemaly, Danielle Citron, Mary Anne Franks and Jamia Wilson.
NETIZENS is directed by Cynthia Lowen, the producer/writer of the documentary BULLY, which was released by The Weinstein Company and catalyzed a national movement to stop bullying. With this followup film, Lowen tackles the scourge of internet harassment, including “revenge porn,” cyber-stalking, threats of violence, privacy invasions, impersonation and hacking. While law enforcement and tech companies lag far behind the crimes, NETIZENS bears witness as the film’s subjects seek justice on their own terms.
These screenings are supported by a robust suite of online tools to equip audiences to protect themselves and prevent harassment.
Location: September 23, 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm, Only at ShowPlace ICON Theatres at Roosevelt Collection, 1011 S Delano Ct, Chicago, IL 60605, (312) 564-2105
To view the documentary trailer and secure tickets, visit he NETIZENSfilm.com website.
Website url: https://www.netizensfilm.com/
Tickets url: https://www.netizensfilm.com/tickets
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